Peridot Gemstone Rings
When the mineral olivine is found in a natural green or yellowish green color, it is called 'peridot'. This is one gemstone that has been known and mined for thousands of years. While some of the popularity of peridot could be attributed to the fact that it is a birthstone, the gem has many more impressive features. Wearing a peridot ring as a birth stone jewel would mean that you were born in the month of August. The birthstone charts list peridot as the birthstone for the month of August. You can email the Kaisilver team at experts if, you have any queries related to gems and jewelry.
This gemstone was often mistaken for emerald, and this was exactly happened with the well known Egyptian - Cleopatra. Historic records tell us that Cleopatra was a fan of emerald, her gem collection included some of the most exotic 'emerald' gems. As time when buy and gemology developed into a science, many of her emeralds turned out to be peridot. It is very unlikely that your peridot ring would create such confusion today, emerald and peridot are distinctly different and even a fair knowledge of gemstones will ensure that you do not confuse these two gorgeous gems.

The earliest mining information relating to peridot tells us that, fine peridot was mined on the St.John's island in the Red Sea. Since this island is not far away from the Egyptian coast, it is quite understandable if Cleopatra came into close and frequent contact with the gemstone. The peridot mines on the island were closely guarded and scary stories were woven around the site. Many people believed that the island was infested with poisonous snakes, and this helped kept many gem hunters away. Coming back to the present, the chance of your peridot ring having a gem mined in Egypt are near to nil. No peridot of commercial significance has been output from the Egyptian mines in the past couple of centuries.
The gem and jewelry markets today rely on China for affordable and attractive peridot gemstones. More than 95% of gold or 925 silver peridot rings crafted today, would have peridot that is mined in China. Since none of us would have been born when the St.Johns island peridot mines were active, we will not worry about making a comparison between Chinese Peridot and peridot mined from the island. A typical feature of Chinese peridot is a yellowish-golden visibility in the green color of the gemstone. This color mixture is what seems to add life to the gemstone. Kaisilver custom peridot rings are designed and crafted with peridot from the Chinese mines. If you had to evaluate the features of this peridot and compare it with the price tag - you cannot deny the good value that they provide. And what if you wish to get a peridot ring that, has a gem origin other than China. Keep reading and we will let you know what your options are.
At this point in time, there are two other sources for peridot gems, Pakistan and Burma. With political safety and general security still in a developmental stage in both nations, gem output for peridot is quite limited. If you wish to get peridot from one of these locations for your peridot ring, let us know and we can procure and custom cut the gemstone for you. Just keep in mind that the cost of the gem can be around 15 to 25 times more, than what you would pay for a Chinese peridot stone of similar size and shape. But even if you can afford this premium cost, there are a few more things that you should know about. Burmese and Pakistani peridot generally do not show the yellowish flashes that are visible in peridot from China. Fine inclusions that appear like silk threads are also a natural part of peridot mined in these places.
There is no denying the fact that, peridot enjoys the limelight showered on most green or blue gemstones. Nature has been more than generous to natural creations that bear these colors - water, sky, plants, leaves and even a whole collection of minerals. What you would be truly glad to know is that, the peridot gemstone in your ring would be natural and not manipulated to enhance color or clarity. Putting it in simple terms, the gold or silver peridot ring that you get from Kai Silver will have a natural and untreated peridot gem. We procure the rough stone, clean it, shape it, cut facets and then do the final polishing. Controlling this process allows us to ensure that, no type of treatment is applied to the gem. If you do wish to get an independent gem testing lab certificate for the gem in your peridot ring, we can provide that inspection and certification for a small additional fee.
Widely acclaimed as the best rendition of the historic claddagh ring, the Kaisilver claddagh ring in gold or silver, is available in all ring sizes and with all gem options. We can provide a claddagh peridot ring for men or women, you could even pick a design that has no gemstone in the center. The ring was first crafted 4 centuries ago and is backed by one of the most touching stories in history. You can access the Claddagh Meaning Report, to know more about this historic jewel.
Having released what is very likely to be the first collection of high end men's rings over 2 decades ago, Kaisilver continues to be the preferred source for high end men's rings. Men's gemstone rings are generally worn with large gemstone sizes. For all its beauty and folklore, peridot is reasonably priced even in sizes in the 4 to 6 carat range. Kasilver can provide peridot gems in sizes that go as high as 8 to 12 carats.
Kaisilver men's rings have a minimum (metal weight) of 20 grams and can go as high as 40+ grams if, the size and dimensions of the ring are large. The idea is to maintain the level of durability of the ring across all ring sizes.
Here are some of the highlights of Kaisilver rings finely crafted in gold or silver. Each ring is fully custom made, meticulously handcrafted by some of the best artisans and gem cutters in Thailand. Most of the features mentioned here apply to all Kaisilver custom jewelry, we maintain the same high standards for both gold and silver jewelry.
- References to peridot and other gems on our websites, imply natural and not synthetic or imitation gemstones. Peridot is found in few shades of green, we can discuss your color shade preference during the order discussion stage and before, you make a decision.
- We can provide gem authentication certificates for all gemstones and diamonds. Issued by an independent testing office, this certificate will confirm that the gem or diamond is natural. Cost of certification will be finalized after our discussion, this is because, the prices charged by various gem testing labs can differ - in some cases significantly.
- When it comes to the design for your custom peridot ring in gold or silver, we offer an unmatched degree of flexibility. This because each ring is handcrafted and we do not rely on a set of standard molds or mass production processes. You could choose any ring from our websites, request for design modifications and order the ring in gold or silver with peridot or any other gemstone of your choice.
- Still on the issue of jewelry that is fully customized, you could request for a peridot ring to be crafted based on your own design concept. Email us at and specify your choice for gold or silver, ring dimensions etc.
- Kaisilver peridot rings like all other custom made jewelry from Kaisilver, is designed and crafted to look elegant and be sturdy. Having said that, it is never a good idea to expose fine jewelry to environments where it can be struck by physical impact. Jewelry should also not be exposed to strong chemicals and detergents.
Kaisilver Peridot Rings: We custom make gold and 925 silver peridot rings with the design, dimensions and metal of your choice. You can pick any ring from our website and request for it to be crafted in gold or 925 silver. You are also welcome to send us your own designs, and we will be glad to work out a custom price quote for you and craft the jewel. Our support team at will be glad to help you with any information or advice that you need.
..... more coming soon.